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christmas meal 9th December - Final reminder

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christmas meal 9th December - Final reminder Empty christmas meal 9th December - Final reminder

Post  Gilly 2011-11-24, 13:54

Hi all,

please find below the menu for the meal on the 9th of December.... Please please please let me know if you are coming and what you want eat please.

Bring pennies to club night or on the night itself....I cant wait much longer for food orders

Starters :
Carrot and parsnip soup
mozzarella and tomato salad
Smoked salmon with peppers, olives and capers topped with rocket and crayfish
fried calamari rings with garlic mayo dip
Garlic Bread

Turkey Escalope wrapped in ham filled with cheese pesto and tomato served with roast potatoes and veg
Brasied Beef cooked in red wine on parsnip and potato mash and crispy pancetta
Fillet of sea bass with new potatoes and a dressing
Fresh filled pasta in a creamy sauce with mushrooms and Broccoli

Pancetta pudding with custard
Rasberry Sorbet and vanilla ice cream with warm fruits of the forrest sauce
cheese and biscuits.

Drink and amaretti biscuits.

Plenty of lovely choice, and If you want a dish altered, if you dont like cheese for example, let me know.


Ps, Let me be the first to wish you a merry christmas rendeer


Number of posts : 117
Age : 47
Bike : Giant Cypher
Registration date : 2011-02-13

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christmas meal 9th December - Final reminder Empty Re: christmas meal 9th December - Final reminder

Post  zebardy 2011-11-28, 02:43

Hi Gilly,

what time does the meal start?


Number of posts : 201
Age : 42
Bike : On-one 456 carbon
Registration date : 2008-04-28

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