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Fork Servicing

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Fork Servicing Empty Fork Servicing

Post  john-wingnut 2011-06-10, 09:41

I have recently purchased a set of 2011 RS revelation forks.

Whilst reading around forums for setup advice I can across some info detailing that RS dont seem to properly lube/ oil
there new forks properly. I popped the lowers off mine and sure enough the oil foam rings were bone dry and diderly squat oil drained from them.

So got myself some stendec fork grease and 15wt rock oil and did the job properly.

Used the grease on the inside of the wiper seals.
Dip the oil foam rings in the 15wt oil and refit
Then put in the correct amount of oil for the speed lube oil bath (found in the RS tech manual)

Completely different fork now.......... amazing. Super smooth and plush. Love it


Deore LX
Deore LX

Number of posts : 75
Bike : Santa Cruz Chameleon
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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Fork Servicing Empty Re: Fork Servicing

Post  Jase_MK 2011-06-10, 15:58

Interesting. Never been massively impressed with the smoothness of my RS Recons since new - they're two years old now. Might have to dig out the tech manual and lube 'em up this summer.

Number of posts : 136
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Fork Servicing Empty Re: Fork Servicing

Post  john-wingnut 2011-06-10, 16:14

If you haven't serviced them in two years then they probably wont be that smooth.
But yer, get yourself some stendec grease and 15wt oil (£18 off CRC) and it should last you a few years assuming you do a service every 25 hours riding.

But honestly, so much better, esp in the initial stage of compression.

The important bit for smoothness is the greasing of the seals and oiling the foam oil ring, as this continually lubes the stantions.


Deore LX
Deore LX

Number of posts : 75
Bike : Santa Cruz Chameleon
Registration date : 2011-01-18

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